Arabic Language Center




Arabic Language Center



Arabic Language Center


Arabic Language Center “ALC” is dedicated to helping participants, including students, public and private companies, and government contractors and employees, build relationships with people from the Middle Eastern backgrounds and cultures. With translation and interpretation services, we can provide services for all your language and international needs. Whether you’re traveling abroad or importing talent, our language training programs will help participants connect and build new, enriching relationships.


Dr. Lama Hamdan – “Doctor of Philosophy” – PhD Dr. Hamdan was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. She migrated to the United States where she earned her Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems from George Mason University. Dr. Hamdan earned a Master of Education in English as a Second Language from the Marymount University. She also earned a master’s degree in Arabic Language and Literature from the Lebanese University in Beirut. She earned her PhD in Public Policy from Walden University, dually specializing in Homeland Security and Terrorism Mediation & Peace. Throughout Dr. Hamdan’s career, she has created and taught international communications skills to 2000+ students, federal stakeholders, and private clients. She has 15+ years of research and communications experience centered around the intersection of global public policy, media, and cultural traditions in Arabic-speaking countries throughout Africa and the Middle East. Dr. Hamdan’s passion for the Arabic literature thrived her to expand the Middle Eastern language in the Western Society. 

Founder and CEO Dr. Lama Hamdan

Online Learning

In addition to face-to-face options, ALC provides a complete language learning platform that allows participants to engage entirely online. Learn the Arabic language wherever you are! You can study at any time of day regardless of your time zone or the type of mobile device you use. Our online materials and multimedia content are a perfect way to supplement your individual courses or get started from wherever you’re located!


ALC offers one on one consulting services with participants from all over the world, with their language needs, including but not limited:

  • Helping students to evaluate their credential needs when transferring to US colleges.
  • Helping participants to evaluate the cultural training to meet their travel needs.
  • Helping participants evaluate the type of various language training they need.

Dialect Training

We teach the language using modern standard Arabic dialect. We offer a variety of Arabic dialects based on the participants selection. 

Native Tutors

All ALC instructors have native proficiency which will allow the opportunity for participants to master the language.


We provide oral interpreting services for a variety of situations including, but not limited to, appointments, meetings, consultations, conferences, and events. ALC sets itself apart by offering high-quality interpreting coupled with competitive rates and a full-time staff to support the participant’s needs.

We provide excellent 24/7 phone interpreting with a connection rate of fewer than 20 seconds. Phone interpreting is perfect for emergency situations in which an interpreter can’t come to the location within a specified time frame. Phone interpreting can also be used when a rare language or dialect is needed, and an onsite interpreter is not available.

Video Remote Interpretation (VRI) is the video chat equivalent of phone interpretation. VRI is an on-demand, cost-effective alternative to in-person interpretation. The ALC VRI service is available through any computer with internet access and a webcam, making it convenient for the participant to use with the participant’s existing systems.



ALC offers translation services for audio and video recordings. All translations are reviewed and proofread before final submission to our client.


ALC offers transcription services for audio and video recordings. All transcriptions are reviewed and proofread before final submission to our client.


Subtitles are words that appear on the screen during a movie, video, or television show and are translations of what the actors/narrators are saying. ALC will transcribe your script. We will help the client determine what kind of subtitle service is needed- closed or open captions. Due to language expansion, our linguist may have to alter the text to fit in the allotted time while still conveying the proper message.


Voice-over is a production technique where a voice— that is not part of the narrative— is used in a radio or television production, filmmaking, theatre, or other presentation. The voice-over is read from a script by a specialist in voice talent. It is usually pre-recorded and placed over the top of a film or video and is commonly used in documentaries or news reports to explain information.

Private Session


We offer private sessions as is believes one-on-one language training is the most effective environment for language learning. Our interactive teaching methodology, coupled with a curriculum tailored to fit your needs, bridges your communication and cultural gaps and allows you to begin to understand and speak the language the right way. We implement the communicative method combined with task-based lessons and inquiry projects to drive language learning. In this fun, dynamic environment, your instructor focuses on your learning style and language learning history. You have class when you are free to meet and gain the confidence and skills you need at the pace you set.


We also offer group learning sessions. Group sessions are dynamic and interactive, allowing participants to build their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through authentic conversation, simulations of real-life interactions, and other relevant language tasks. Group sessions not only provide an opportunity for language learning, but are also highly motivating. Speakers at every level work in pairs, groups, and as a class. Beginning sessions focus on the basics of the language, vocabulary, meaningful dialogue, culture, asking questions, and introductions. Learners bring their previous knowledge to class and are challenged by extended practice through dialogue and presentations. The material learned in a typical, basic group class is useful for simple communication/conversation or travel to the target area.


ALC operates language sessions all throughout the U.S. as well as in Canada, Mexico, Europe, South America, Asia, and Africa. Sessions can be held in person (by request only), or online via Zoom, Teams, Skype, WhatsApp, and other similar platforms.

Language Training

We make the process of learning a new language meaningful, authentic, and personal. Customized programs will make sure you get what you want out of your language experience.


Private Arabic Tutoring
$ 3500 30 HOURS
  • $3500 / 30 Hours [$250 Discount]
  • $2400 / 20 Hours [$100 Discount]
  • $1200 / 10 Hours [$50 Discount]
  • $125 / Hour [Non-Negotiable]
  • Price includes private sessions
  • Through Zoom/Skype
  • 24/7 support



Please email us for pricing plans. All payments must be pre-paid through the “PAYMENT” page.

Please email us for other pricing plans. All payments must be prepaid through the “Payment” page.

You may avoid an additional 2.9% in fees by making a payment through Zelle via or via

( 703 ) 953 – 0071 .

Contact Us

If you have a question that wasn’t answered elsewhere on our site, a comment or suggestion, or if you’re ready to get started, we’d love to hear from you. Call us or drop us an email. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you

Contact Us

If you have a question that wasn’t answered elsewhere on our site, a comment or suggestion, or if you’re ready to get started, we’d love to hear from you. Call us or drop us an email. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you